New Website for!
Hey everyone! Check out the new site for! Huge thanks to André Boulay from for hosting and helping set up the new WordPress site.
All of the original posts have been imported, going all the way back to the first season in 2011. I’m slowly but surely getting everything re-labeled, but in the meantime all of the tags are intact and the search feature works GREAT. I’ll be relabeling all of my tricks from 2011 by play style, as well as adding tags so that it’s easier to find specific types of tricks by searching for suicide, fixed axle, stalls, etc.
It’s going to take me a while to get two years worth of tricks labeled properly, but please keep checking back for your daily trick and feel free to root through the archives, comment on old tricks with additional trick info if you have any, and just generally enjoy the fact that you can actually search the archives a lot easier now. 🙂
Also, expect to see more posts from this year’s roster of players about their plans and events they’ll be attending…everyone has a login and has been given free-reign to pop in and run their mouths about whatever they’re doing.
Welcome to the new…thanks for all your support!
– Steve
Gently Now – Steve Brown
“Easy does it.” – Steve
Yoyo used is the Die Nasty by YoYoFactory.
Song is “Violent Blue” by Warm Soda.
Penguino – Steve Brown
“And lo, did Darnell not turn in a trick today and thusly did Steve reach deeply into his own arse and pluck out this trick for your enjoyment.” – Steve
Song is “Diamond Ring” by Warm Soda.
Yoyo used is the XXXX XXXXX by XXXXXXXXXXX.
Bangladesh Taps – Jason Lee
“Jason Lee phoned this one in from Bangladesh. He’s still the best.” – Steve
YoYo used is the Supernova by YoYoFactory.
Song is “Bone Knife” by El Jesus De Magico.
Rogue – Spencer Berry
“Rogue was a quick fire sequel that came right after Wonder Woman in 2001. It has a similar style and pace.
The most notable component is probably the Magic Drop to Spirit Bomb move, which I was quite proud to discover. When I took this trick to the Spindox club, Paul Escolar showed me Yellow Airplanes, which was brand new at the time. Yellow Airplanes has the same Magic Drop in it.
This coincidence stifled my desire to record this trick and I moved onto to other tricks. Somehow, I have remember this trick for all those years, and now it shall see the light of day.” – Spencer
Song is “Easier” by Grizzly Bear.
Yoyo used is the 4mm YWET by Anti-yo.
Hellavators – Jake Bullock
“Invented in 2007 when all the yo-yo kids were obsessed with BAPE and hyphy music. Everyone was dressed like a goon in pastel camo and saying “hella” in every sentence. Anyways, it looks like the counterweight is an elevator, thus “hellavators”. Also a play off one of my favorite songs, “Televators” by The Mars Volta.” – Jake
Song is “Drunken Words” by The Mess Around.
Yo-Yo used is the Bapezilla by AntiYo.
Wrong Side – Steve Brown
“There are few things as lovely as making your catching-hand do something weird in the middle of another trick…like snagging the string and throwing a regen.” – Steve
Song is “Only In Your Mind” by Warm Soda.
Yoyo used is the Velocity by YoYoFactory.
Sleight – Ed Haponik
“Ironically it was one Steve Brown who turned me on to tricks that pause in the non-throwhand… and snap-starting, as it happens. This one’s for you, Stevie.” – Ed
“Reaching for a trick for today, finding this one, reading this description, and then knowing that the trick you’re working on for tomorrow is a non-throwhand regen? F*cking awesome.” – Steve
Song is “The Monster You Awoke” by Ed Haponik.
Yoyo used is the EH by SPYY.