Day 24 – Fly Away by Nate Sutter / Presented by @yoyoexpert + @spyycanada
Day 23 – Super Cootie Catcher by @drewtetz / Presented by @yoyoexpert + @duncantoys
They say you die twice. One time when you stop breathing and a second time, a bit later on, when somebody says your name for the last time.
Day 22 – She Sits To Conquer by @unklesteve / Presented by @yoyoexpert + @yoyofactory
Day 21 – Hyacinth by @kinopah / Presented by @yoyoexpert + @spyycanada
Day 20 – Dervish EX by @drewtetz / Presented by @yoyoexpert + @duncantoys
Technical Difficulties
Having some problems uploading today’s video…will have it up as soon as I can get to a better wifi connection, but probably won’t be up until tomorrow.
Sorry everyone!
Day 19 – Popsicle Toes by @unklesteve / Presented by @yoyoexpert + @yoyofactory
SOPA is no good. Also, hi Doc Pop!
SOPA makes the internet much less fun. SIgn the petition.
Day 18 – Rice Bowl by @david0ung / Presented by @yoyoexpert + @yoyofactory