Robster Mousse – Steve Brown
The first bit I stole from Andre Boulay, the second I’m sure you recognize. Toss it to one of my ever present thumb mounts, and finish with my “Robster Craw” suicide that was a product of those brief few weeks when I decided that suicides where the only thing I wanted to work on so I made up two dozen of them.
I filmed just the Robster Craw suicide but it looked super boring just sitting on video all by itself, so I built this combo of “crap you probably don’t want to try and hit consistently on stage” around it just to irritate you.
You’re welcome. 😉
Song is “Trestles” by Rumbleseat. They appear courtesy of No Idea Records.
Yo-yo used is my signature Avant Garde by YoYo Factory, available here:
Bundle Combo
The first bit is an old trick I made up back in 1997 called “Buddha’s Bundle”, which then pushes out to a weird and kinda hard to hit thumb mount thingy that you throw up and behind everything to land on the front string for the triangle.
Expect a lot of knots. It looks uncomplicated but…expect a lot of knots.
Song is “Untitled Track 4” by Rivals Schools. It’s from an unreleased album that’s been floating around for a few years. No idea if this song every actually got released anywhere.
Yo-yo used is my signature Avant Garde by YoYo Factory, available here:
Mark Mont’s Weave
REAL TALK: Mark Montgomery shaved his head just to get rid of that awful weave he had. That’s the last time he goes to one of those discount beauty schools instead of his regular joint, that’s for sure.
And the irony? It didn’t look half as bad as my pajamas.
Song is “Colditz” by Die Hoffnung. They appear courtesy of No Idea Records.
Yo-yo used is my signature Avant Garde by YoYo Factory, available here:
Bad Conceptual Art
Yo-Yo Drama
Today I was told that I’m old and out of touch. I was told this by a child who still doesn’t know who he is.
I was not offended. I AM old, by his standards. I’m 35, which seemed absolutely wizened by my standards when I was his age, when I was 23.
I wish him well, because I gain nothing by wishing him ill. If I wish bad things upon him, I’m only encouraging him to find more reasons to feel sorry for himself, and blame everyone else for his unhappiness. If I wish him well, then it’s possible he’ll come around and we can be friends someday.
This thinking, this is a mark of age. I am, as he puts it, “out of touch”. I’ve lost touch with my rage, I’ve lost touch with my bitterness. I’ve lost touch with the idea that the world owes me anything. I’m out of touch with the idea that everything is always fair or in my favor, and I’m out of touch with the arrogance and entitlement of youth.
I do not miss these things. I’m glad to be rid of them. It’s possible that this loss prevents me from being edgy or dangerous. It’s equally possible that there’s no reason for me to be either of those things anymore.
Find your way home, kid. I still wish you well.
Song is “Floating Labels” by Wugazi.
You can buy a pretty awesome yo-yo here:
Johnny Chimpo
It’s Afghanistanimation!
Song is “Hard Times” by Century.
You can buy a pretty awesome yo-yo here:
Hey Papi
See, when all these people are dogpiling me on message boards and saying I don’t deserve this award or I’m not as good as this other player or who the hell does Steve Brown think he is, there’s one thing they don’t realize:
I don’t care. Because at that very moment, which is incredibly important to them, my kids are saying “Hey Papi” over and over and over and over and over again because they want a cookie or a sandwich or a toy or to go to Chuck E. Cheese or they want to know where ninjas come from or what dinosaurs smell like or why eggs are white AND yellow on the inside.
Just a little insight into what happens in my life in between these tricks you’re seeing. People talk shit, but they can’t possibly match the volume of my children…hence, they lose.
Song is “Count Back From Ten” by Glass & Ashes. They appear courtesy of No Idea Records.
Yo-yo used is my signature Avant Garde by YoYo Factory. Only 32 pieces made, available here: