Tag Archives: ywet
Quick! Do A Trick! – Spencer Berry
“I have no idea when I started doing this but definitely inspired by Gabe Lozano. Quick in quick out…” – Spencer
Song is “Nowhere Fast” by The Smiths.
Yoyo used is the 4mm YWET by Anti-yo.
Adam Brewster Won – Spencer Berry
“This houdini combo was a favorite of mine for a while. I wanted a trick that could be loaded and then released. You will notice little hand movement. When I went to the ECC in 07 or 08 – Adam told me I should name it. So I did.” – Spencer
Song is “Diamonds on The Face of Evil” by Ugly Casanova.
Yoyo used is the 4mm YWET by Anti-yo.
Cataclysm – Spencer Berry
“Cataclysm is another legacy trick from 2001. I created it after Enigma and before Havoc. They make up the destruction trilogy. It would’ve been a longer series but I remember Jordan Cooper made Annihilation before I finished my own, so I started using other names.
I had to relearn the last half of the trick – the 1.5 pop with the pulley grab is challenging but doesn’t look all that special. It was a huge part of the trick’s concept, mirroring the initial mount.
The mount has become one of my favorites and I use constantly. Same with the magic drop to 2-or-0, which took the form of a repeater initially (chasmastic combo two)” – Spencer
Song is “Ted, Just admit it…” by Jane’s Addiction.
Yoyo used is the 4mm Ywet by Anti-yo.
Kwhatjibo – Spencer Berry
“Kwhatjibo feels like kwyjibo but is easily repeated. I was borderline obsessed with this 1.5 to bro transition for a long time because of the many ways it can be stylized (anyone sense a theme?). This repeater is easy to do and centers around that transition.” – Spencer
Song is “Weeping Wall” by David Bowie.
Yoyo used is the 4mm YWET by Anti-yo.
Havoc – Spencer Berry
“This is another legacy trick from 2001. It debuted on my first website, Phalanx, in a video called Primus (youtube.com/watch?v=jGZogyD371Q).
It originally was going to be a collaboration trick between myself and Rob Reeves, but after the mount and that first hop, we went our own ways. It is one of the destruction tricks, alongside Cataclysm and Enigma.” – Spencer
Song is “Proven Lands” by Jonny Greenwood for There Will Be Blood.
Yoyo used is the 4mm YWET by Anti-yo.
YuukYuuk – Spencer Berry
“I’ve done the 1.5 pop to effortless whip component of this trick for many years. Usually when I show it to a yoyo player, they know it as a Yuuki Spencer trick. It looks slightly puzzling if performed with minimal hand movement.
So I added a gunslinger type move and repeated it. And as per most of my basic hold repeaters – there is a lot of room to tweak it out in your own manner (pinwheel one spot, pop in another, alternate sides, whatever kind of hand movements you want to center it around). This is a feel good trick and not as difficult as some of the variations I’ll be practicing for later in the year.” – Spencer
Song is “St. James Infirmary” by Cab Calloway.
Yoyo used is the 4mm YWET by Anti-yo.
Rogue – Spencer Berry
“Rogue was a quick fire sequel that came right after Wonder Woman in 2001. It has a similar style and pace.
The most notable component is probably the Magic Drop to Spirit Bomb move, which I was quite proud to discover. When I took this trick to the Spindox club, Paul Escolar showed me Yellow Airplanes, which was brand new at the time. Yellow Airplanes has the same Magic Drop in it.
This coincidence stifled my desire to record this trick and I moved onto to other tricks. Somehow, I have remember this trick for all those years, and now it shall see the light of day.” – Spencer
Song is “Easier” by Grizzly Bear.
Yoyo used is the 4mm YWET by Anti-yo.
Wonder Woman – Spencer Berry
365yoyotricks.com – Wonder Woman from Steve Brown on Vimeo.
“This is a trick of mine from 2001, created as a reaction to Jason Lee’s Superman. Wrist mounts were all the rage and the central hold for this trick is a type of upside down variation of the wrist mount. I have many tricks from this era that conclude with a complex hold popping to trapeze, such as rancid milk+family, the destruction series, and others. This is definitely one of my easier 2001-era tricks and one of the few I can hit with some consistency.” -Spencer
Song is “Carrion Suite” by Andrew Bird.
Yoyo used is the 4mm YWET by Anti-Yo.
Flounder3D – Jake Bullock
“One of my main competition 1A combos. The name is a play off of that crappy Piranha 3D movie, because the trick looks like I am floundering around, flounders are a type of fish, and the trick has 3D elements. Get it? Har har.” – Jake
Song is “Shock Ya” by Mules.
Yo-Yo used is the YWET by AntiYo.
Earwig – Spencer Berry
“A very silly little move that has been a part of a few other repeaters – but once I got down to it – this is the move I wanted to repeat. If you do it right, it passes really close to your ear and wigs you out.” – Spencer
Song is “Black Tusk” by Lumerians.
Yoyo used is a 4mm YWET by Anti-yo.