Tag Archives: g string
Instant E-Fan To Kwijibo – Jacob Jensen
“I think instant efans are nifty, and I’d like to see them catch on. I mean, if people are going to pointwhore, they might as well get right to it. The catch is tricky, but the throw ispretty easy to get the hang of.My 5A Kwyjibo variation is different from Drew’s. His is more of a true efan Kwyjibo, whereas mine is like a Kwyjibo commercial break in the middle of an efan.” – Jacob
Song is “Bassist, Electric #01” by Quagero Imazawa.
Yoyo used is the Irony GBA by Werrd.
String used is Baby Teal by yoyoGstring.
The Kirby Complex II – Jacob Jensen
“This trick demonstrates use of a double magic drop. A magic drop is directly stacked on another magic drop, which adds an extra wrap around the throwhand index finger. The following motion, a slack drag, unwraps it, but still requires the first wrap to hold it in place.
Contrary to what the name might suggest, this has nothing to do with the first Kirby Complex. It got the name because, like its predecessor, the technical meat of the trick is likely to go unnoticed because it goes by quickly and without much fanfare. Slack drags have been around for a while, but this is the first instance to my knowledge of a trick requiring a double magic drop.” – Jacob
Song is “Swallow” by Casiopea.
Yoyo used is the Irony JP by Werrd.
String used is Baby Teal by yoyoGstring.
Full Extension Pullups – Jacob Jensen
“blah” – Jacob
Song is “Ebony Jam” by Tower of Power.
Yoyo used is the Irony JP by Werrd.
String used is Baby Teal by yoyoGstring.
Floppicide – Jacob Jensen
“blah” – Jacob
Song is “MIRV” by TRI-Offensive.
Yoyo used is the Irony JP by Werrd.
String used is Baby Teal by yoyoGstring.
Eccentrica Gallumbits – Jacob Jensen
“blah” – Jacob
Song is “No Pedestrians” by Steve Howe & Martin Taylor.
Yoyo used is the Irony JP by Werrd.
String used is Baby Teal by yoyoGstring.
Cheap Yakisoba – Jacob Jensen
“Of the many tricks I’ve built, this is one of my most favorites. Not because it’s exceptionally pretty, flowy, or revolutionary, but because it takes a few burly concepts and ties them together in a big awkward mess that makes me a better yoyoer for landing it. It also unlocked chopstix for me, much as watching Shawn Fumo’s Wrist Mount Project unlocked the wrist mount for me.
Inducted chopstix mount, knuckle split, wrap suicide caught with pinky, inverted induction to GT. After filming this trick the first time, it was well over a year before I landed it again. Partly because it’s so hard that I failed when I tried, and also because it’s so hard that I assumed I’d fail when I tried, and thus rarely bothered to. Let that be a lesson to you.” – Jacob
Song is “Hare Hare Yukai” by Rasmus Faber.
Yoyo used is the 86400 by Werrd.
String used is Baby Teal by yoyoGstring.
Buddhacide 2 – Jacob Jensen
“A White-Buddha-inspired suicide, interrupted by an inner rim grind, and left hanging until I pick it up to bind with. Like many of my earlier tricks, it’s a blend of existing elements to create something I haven’t seen yet. I could imagine Takeshi or Guy coming up with this, though, considering how similar some of their tricks are.
The original Buddhacide was one of my earliest original tricks and despite its importance to my progression, I’m afraid it’s not terribly exciting from a trick theory standpoint, so you get the better one.” – Jacob
Song is “Dig Et Vous” by Tetsujino.
Yoyo used is the Minute by Werrd.
String used is Baby Teal by yoyoGstring.
Fighter Fly – Jacob Jensen
“A picture trick named for its vague resemblance to those jumpy things in the original Mario Bros game. Those things always tied me up in knots. I just had to remember that a punch from underneath will solve this particular problem quite nicely.” – Jacob
Song is “White” by Trismus.
Yoyo used is the Irony JP by Werrd.
String used is Baby Teal by yoyoGstring.
Mortal Pongbat – Jacob Jensen
“One of my older tricks, and still one of my favorite reveals. I wanna say this was originally inspired by a Doc Pop trick, but I can’t remember what it’s called.
The name comes from a rather silly computer game from the Classic Mac days, of which the stated objective was: ‘To win. And blow the crap out of your opponent while doing so.'” – Jacob
Song is “5” by Prism.
Yoyo used is the Irony JP by Werrd.
String used is Baby Teal by yoyoGstring.
The Cleaners – Jacob Jensen
“This was one of several fairly recent tricks that I found annoyingly hard to name. In the end I settled on a Labyrinth reference, because none of the other names I had in mind were nearly as awesome as a big food processor chasing you down a tunnel.
There are a lot of neat little nuances I like about this trick, but I’ve never quite been able to execute them all cleanly at the same time. In that sense it represents rather well one of my biggest frustrations in yoyoing.” – Jacob
Song is “Midnight Rendezvous” by Casiopea.
Yoyo used is the Irony JP by Werrd.
String used is Baby Teal by yoyoGstring.