YuukYuuk – Spencer Berry
“I’ve done the 1.5 pop to effortless whip component of this trick for many years. Usually when I show it to a yoyo player, they know it as a Yuuki Spencer trick. It looks slightly puzzling if performed with minimal hand movement.
So I added a gunslinger type move and repeated it. And as per most of my basic hold repeaters – there is a lot of room to tweak it out in your own manner (pinwheel one spot, pop in another, alternate sides, whatever kind of hand movements you want to center it around). This is a feel good trick and not as difficult as some of the variations I’ll be practicing for later in the year.” – Spencer
Song is “St. James Infirmary” by Cab Calloway.
Yoyo used is the 4mm YWET by Anti-yo.
What the heck is a 4mm YWET?
Really nice to see weekly Spencer Berry and Jake Bullock tricks, by the way!
As far as I know, it’s a prototype of the YWET with a 4mm gap?