Tag Archives: antiyo
Wonder Woman – Spencer Berry
365yoyotricks.com – Wonder Woman from Steve Brown on Vimeo.
“This is a trick of mine from 2001, created as a reaction to Jason Lee’s Superman. Wrist mounts were all the rage and the central hold for this trick is a type of upside down variation of the wrist mount. I have many tricks from this era that conclude with a complex hold popping to trapeze, such as rancid milk+family, the destruction series, and others. This is definitely one of my easier 2001-era tricks and one of the few I can hit with some consistency.” -Spencer
Song is “Carrion Suite” by Andrew Bird.
Yoyo used is the 4mm YWET by Anti-Yo.
Freehand Regen Combo – Jake Bullock
“The first new 5A “trick” I have come up with in quite awhile, proud of this one. Similar things have been done in the past, but the first half in particular looks new to me. If I’m biting someone’s trick let me know. The possibilities with this stalling/grabbing/regenerating stuff is endless but this is just my favorite take on it so far.” – Jake
Song is “Number Of The Beast” by The Needy Visions.
Yo-Yo used is the ??? by Anti-Yo.
White Buddha Forever – Spencer Berry
“White Buddha was created in 2000 (99?) by Paul Escolar of the Spin Doctors. If you don’t know the original White Buddha, learn it. Now.
White Buddha is a milestone in the evolution of modern string tricks. It has theme, flow and a flashy conclusion. White Buddha Forever is the repeater that I stuffed into the middle of Paul Escolar’s masterpiece. Love & Respect.” – Spencer
Song used is “Alethia” by Jonny Greenwood for The Master.
Yoyo used is the 4mm YWET by Anti-yo.
Flounder3D – Jake Bullock
“One of my main competition 1A combos. The name is a play off of that crappy Piranha 3D movie, because the trick looks like I am floundering around, flounders are a type of fish, and the trick has 3D elements. Get it? Har har.” – Jake
Song is “Shock Ya” by Mules.
Yo-Yo used is the YWET by AntiYo.
Earwig – Spencer Berry
“A very silly little move that has been a part of a few other repeaters – but once I got down to it – this is the move I wanted to repeat. If you do it right, it passes really close to your ear and wigs you out.” – Spencer
Song is “Black Tusk” by Lumerians.
Yoyo used is a 4mm YWET by Anti-yo.
Arm Grind – Jake Bullock
“Invented early 2006, was one of my biggest banger tricks in my 2006 2nd Place Worlds freestyle. Lots of fun and very easy to do.” – Jake
Song is “Free Jazz Music” by Altaïr.
Yo-Yo Used: Bapezilla 2 by Anti-Yo
Pulley Again – Spencer Berry
“Guy Wright told me he loved repeaters because he could take his favorite move and distill it down to just itself over and over. I’ve loved the pulley since Paul Escolar in kickin’ tricks. Pulley, reload, repeat.” – Spencer
Song is “Black Grase” by The Black Angels.
Yoyo used is a prototype YWET by Anti-yo.
Melt Again – Spencer Berry
“Meltdown is a badass Chris Neff trick from the 90s. Melt Again is a repeater built from a single component of Meltdown connected by a pinwheel and a seasick-like direction change. If you are trying to learn this simple trick, make sure to undo the throw hand twist during during the brother transfer. This is accomplished by landing the yoyo on the inside of your throw hand wrist (behind) and dismounting on the frontside.” – Spencer
*bloody knuckles unrelated to trick.
Yoyo used is a prototype YWET with a 4mm gap & brain lube. Flirts with tug response.
Song used is “Hands & Feet” by Jon Brion for the Punch Drunk Love Soundtrack.
Bucket of Funnel Cake – Jake Bullock
Yoyo used is the Bapezilla 2 by Anti-Yo
Song is “Gray Train” by Wooden Ambulance.
Magic Splash – Spencer Berry
“Basic Magic drop repeater that can be heavily stylized to suit the players needs.” – Spencer
Song is “Nosferatu Man” by Slint.
Yoyo used is the Walter.